About - Candidate Advisory
I’ve said it before… There’s nothing linear in the world of Recruiting.
The number of things that can mess up a perfectly good interview is amazing.
In fact, some of it is hilarious — if it’s not happening to you.
After the dust settles, I sometimes study unexpected reactions.
(And learn quickly why we can expect them again.)
I post these observations as a discipline.
I share them with you as a guide.
The Job Market Is Switching
Look for high commitment, higher paying companies with global reach. They really are out there. I just wrote a Recruiter’s View piece you might want to take a look at… Employment Weather Report, Fall 2010 It will give you the background for some of my comments here.
Crazy Talk
The interview process may seem slightly insane lately, but take heart. Once you get out of the asylum, things really are looking up. Last month I got a call from a highly qualified manager in the automotive sector. He told me his most recent job hunting frustrations. His story will probably sound familiar. One of…
Mining and Energy; China and the Gulf
Those are your drivers for job creation. Some things government just can’t stop. We’ve talked about each of these individually. Now, some of them are coming together in very powerful combinations.
Back In Season?
What’s left to do if we can’t have oil spills, currency panics, bank legislation, or nuclear war? Well, we could go out and make some money. Wake up, Job Seekers! You may be coming back into season before you realize it. Three weeks ago, my May 21 letter explained the current situation to candidates in…
I’ve said it before… There’s nothing linear in the world of Recruiting. The number of things that can mess up a perfectly good interview is amazing. I... Read More