On TILT: Anyone On ESG

By Ted Dieck | Recruiter’s View - ESG - Tilt Studies | Aug 4, 2022

ESG scores don’t seem interesting.  They get dangerous when put into practice.  Companies fail.  Countries collapse.  But that’s OK.  Klaus & Friends will buy your disaster for pennies on the dollar.  

The World Economic Forum says, “Let’s play a game.  You put this ESG noose around your neck.  I’ll tell you what happens in a minute.  Here, put the noose over your head…” 

Situation:  ESG scores were initially introduced as a happy little metric that showed off the swell job a company was doing, as a good global neighbor.  There’s a nasty little twist to the program.  

Situation:  ESG members dance to mysterious music.  The abbreviation presumably stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.  But evaluation criteria are uncertain.  Scoring values change frequently.  A company’s ESG scores can be penalized, almost as punishment. 

Situation:  Trained ESG officers are being installed in corporate management.  Really. 

BIG Situation:  ESG scores are affected by a company’s suppliers.  Non-compliant suppliers lower the host company’s final score.  Effectively, the reporting system causes companies to rat-out poor performers.  (Smaller companies that want to stay in business will get the message fast.) 

For now, most employees are clueless about their employer’s ESG status or participation.  (What are the odds that an employee would be clicking around on some back page of a website, looking for an ESG statement?  Have YOU looked?)  

To be honest, a corporate ESG score probably won’t matter much to an employee.  

Until one day, when it does. 

Why ESG = On TILT 

The World Economic Forum is moving this program quickly.  A window is open, while the U.S. is distracted by political turmoil. 
Companies and countries seem to sign on as a play for acceptance.
And soon after, they change the way they do business.

In other words… 

ESG is Fear-Based  

And it is designed to grow by spreading the fear of being left out. 

Left out of what?
Major banks have signed on to ESG.  They might decide not to lend to borrowers with low ESG scores.
That would include the borrowers who provide your food and fuel.  

Major corporations that sign on for Environmental, Social, and Governance scores probably don’t even know what those words mean.  

I can say that, because nobody knows what those words mean.  They are feel-good words that mean different things, depending on what Klaus Schwab and his friends are doing today. 

At best, corporations are signing on to ESG, to be sure they’ll be at the table when new regulations are drafted. 

ESG is Self-Destructive  

It eliminates the wisdom of free markets and open competition.
It installs top-down command and control. 

The ESG-based banks (mentioned above) sometimes demand proxy voting rights from their borrowers, and the banks may install their own representatives on the board.  

Lenders often vote against the borrowers’ core values and services.

Very convenient, if you’re convinced that you know better than everybody else.
And, indeed, that arrogance is the driving force behind the World Economic Forum.
They say so. 

At the international level, WEF policies caused the recent collapse of Sri-Lanka.
The Netherlands is next.
The collapse of Ukraine is just a bonus. 

The United States is teetering.  You know that, because home-grown food either isn’t available or doesn’t look right; and it definitely isn’t priced right. 

Recruiter’s View 

ESG is a wicked intimidation technique promoted by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum.
It’s in action now.

Companies that align with ESG approach my definition of On TILT behavior…

  • Fear Based
  • Self-Destructive 

ESG companies are either damaging themselves today, in hopes of a better outcome in the future; 

Or, at the very least, they are pretending to take the poison.