Landmark – The Catholic Association Begins Fortnight For Freedom

By Ted Dieck | Recruiter’s View - Landmark Events - Religion | Jun 22, 2012

Christians in the United States of America are now fighting for their religious freedoms.

Somewhere around 12:37 p.m. on June 21, 2012, I saw an absolutely amazing television commercial. I’ve never seen anything like it.

It seemed to justify the Catholic religion.

I don’t recall ever seeing any public message where a Christian religion had to justify its existence in the United States of America.

I made a note of the commercial.

And I made a note of the sponsor: The Catholic Association

Here’s a link to their website…

Their message was chilling.

Fortnight For Freedom

The Catholics really are defending their right to exist in the United States of America.

The website posted a call to action around a program named Fortnight for Freedom, running from June 21 – July 4, 2012.

Here is what they had to say…

“Catholics have been asked by our bishops to take action in defense of our religious liberty in the two weeks leading up to the 4th of July – a ‘Fortnight for Freedom.’

“This is necessary because the Obama Administration has engaged in a stunning attack on our right to practice our faith, most notably by mandating that virtually all employers, including religious employers like Catholic charities, schools, and hospitals, provide free abortion inducing-drugs, contraception, and sterilization in their health plans.”

TCA Mission Re-Focused

I checked the TCA Mission page. Obviously, things have changed.

This is what they posted…

“We have one priority now: defend religious liberty.

“Since our founding, TCA has been dedicated to being a faithful Catholic voice in the public square and the public arena. Our mission encompassed a wide range of issues from protecting life and marriage to promoting social renewal in the culture.

“But now we find the very freedom to practice our faith under assault. The recently imposed Health and Human Services mandate compelling religious institutions to violate their faith or be heavily fined is only the most recent and overt example.

“Our bishops have been courageous and steadfast in their defense of religious liberty – now is the time for faithful lay Catholics to join together in this struggle.

“Together, we will be heard.”