Landmark – Restoring Love – Dallas, TX
Significant in a presidential election year, this enormous three day series of events focused, not on a candidate, but on morals, principles, and responsibility.
The most controversial premise ignores political parties, altogether. It argues that restoring our own American principles and character will reshape America’s culture. And, in turn, it is our culture that selects and guides our candidates.
The cultural issue is real. One million meals were reportedly shipped out to a total of eleven cities – backed by a battalion of lawyers protecting the right of Americans to send food to Americans in need. Very strange.
I’m marking this date, because the media has largely ignored it. And that would be understandable. Restoring Love is the third massive Glenn Beck event, following Restoring Honor (Washington, D. C.) and Restoring Courage (Jerusalem.) In between events, Beck has overthrown conventional media restrictions to form his own subscription based internet TV company. In the last year, he has formed a publishing company, music and film companies, and he is recruiting talented performers, showcasing even more original creations. I’m certain the media has no idea what to do with him.
Yet tens of thousands of seemingly reasonable Americans did do something significant in Dallas this week. And their energy will continue to vibrate across the country for months to come. Through this Landmark entry, we expect to revisit this date.
Some of the Events
Under God – Indivisible – A conference of religious leaders taking back the role of the pulpit as a source of our country’s moral guidance.
A Day Of Service – 34,000 volunteers gathered from around the United States to serve in and around Dallas, TX for one day. Possibly the largest ever gathering of volunteers without the prompting of an emergency.
FreePac – An enormous gathering in the American Airlines Center, networking small government proponents without regard for political affiliation. Seminars, I understand, included a study of the Constitution of the United States.
Restoring Love – Packed the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, including attendees from 20 countries. Priceless pieces of American history underscored a message of long term personal responsibility. Attendees were urged to push against what is morally and constitutionally unacceptable in our country; and to build upon what is morally and constitutionally strong. The call for small government urged that a child’s bake sale should not be illegal. Neighbors must not look to government for resources, much less, permission to help each other. And religious leaders must actually lead, without government meddling in what they can say and do.