The Catholic Tax
If government can tax individuals for not buying health care, does that mean it can tax those who refuse to provide contraceptive services in violation of their religious beliefs?
Investors Business Daily was miles ahead of me on this one.
On June 21, I posted a “Landmark” blog about The Catholic Association’s Fortnight For Freedom. The initiative was part of a two week call to Catholics for “action in defense of our religious liberty.”
My June 28 “Landmark” blog recorded the Supreme Court ruling on the Afordable Care Act (Obamacare.) In that ruling, the Court invited Congress to tax more than just things that exist. Congress can levy a tax on the lack of a thing, … or on an action, … or it may even tax a failure to act.
By June 29, IBD’s editiorial department had already figured out where those two issues collide.
The Supreme Court has essentially invited the United States government to observe when Catholics, in keeping with their religious standards, might refuse to perform abortions or refuse to provide contraceptive services.
And then, The Supreme Court implies, the United States can grab those violators by their bank accounts and tax them into the stone age for failing to do as they were told.
The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty
The Becket Fund is all over it. I had never heard of the Becket Fund before.
Investors Business Daily reports that, “The fund is engaged in religious liberty lawsuits on behalf of four institutions. There are now 23 lawsuits in 14 states and the District of Columbia involving more than 50 plaintiffs, according to the group, including lawsuits filed by 43 Catholic institutions in May.”
IBD closes with this reminder: “…the power to tax is the power to destroy, and that includes (the) freedom of religion.”