Archive for June 2010
Banks Too Big To Succeed?
In the name of Safety, Congress writes financial regulations that throttle the financial industry, slow the economy, and invite mischief of chilling proportions. Congress has slammed another 2,000 page behemoth through the system. Much like other recent legislation, perhaps the goal is to pass something now and change it later. TOOTHLESS BUT DANGEROUS The financial…
Read MorePlucked and Perished
Family members testify that existing government healthcare procedures are fleecing patients and shortening their lives. We haven’t even started Obamacare yet. One of our readers testified before the Texas Senate Jurisprudence Committee yesterday. It seems that a perverse interpretation of “abuse” can separate you from a loved one during a hospital visit. What follows in…
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“God has given me another chance to live. Live life to its fullest today as tomorrow may never come.” — Matt Geiger, recounting his race against hurricane force winds, as falling tree limbs deck him inches from safety.
Read MoreHow To Solve A Crisis With No Training
President Obama has called for a six month moratorium on drilling in the Gulf. Presumably, he will study the situation. Rigs are moving out of the Gulf. It’s confirmed. I spoke with the Houston based Vice President of an international supplier to the oil drillers. His company is preparing to supply these same rigs when…
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