Industry Show Updates
Just ran a complete overhaul of the show listings under Industry Watch.
I probably could have done the whole thing by memory, after all this effort. Every time I loaded another piece of software, it didn’t quite do the job. Had to do it again. The big answer turned out to be a simple spreadsheet, same as I started with three years ago.
I’ve got a few improvements in this version, and I’m running a couple of experiments in this edition, too. The main thing about the Shows list: I actually use it. This is part of my planning for the year, and no one ever seems to have all these little facts at hand. (Dates, locations,… the simple things.)
So the list is back to its useful state. And in the background, I have a blog lurking for Shows. It didn’t turn out to be particularly effective for listing events, as I’d hoped, but it may be great for posting details, changes, and the occassional picture.
So there we are. If you have suggestions, please be sure to give me a shout. Thanks.
(Note: Your are also welcome to join us at our Main Website: