Consolidating Websites
Those of you who used the Secret Second Site may be a little shocked that it seems to have disappeared.
Actually, it’s just reappearing over here.
Here’s the deal: When I purchased my Mac in ’08, I had lots of recession/depression down time to learn new computer stuff. In ’09, I learned things about blogging, graphics, and audio productions that just blew my mind.
With my Mac subscription coming to an end, (obviously, I’m keeping this fabulous computer, but certain trial services are expiring) I had to make a decision. Clearly, there were a few annoying obstacles that Apple just would never get past: My domain name will never be “” and my traffic count really shouldn’t be a secret.
So, it’s time to bring the best of what I’ve learned at Apple back over to my main website.
The blogging function has served us very well. (More about that later, maybe.)
Right now, I am replacing a number of my previously hard-to-update pages with speedy WordPress links.
As I do that, I’m sure you’ll notice some things going away, while other similar things show up, using their previous names. That, and an ongoing tweeking of menus.
We’re hoping to get all our good stuff based off one main website again. The identity should be more obvious. And that should let us move more information, more powerfully, through all our various media links.
Hope it’s helpful. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please drop me a line!