Plugging Back In

By Ted Dieck | Latest - Recent - Updates | Mar 6, 2011

Crazy, how long it’s been since I’ve published anything on a regular basis.

2010 was a year of medical fun for some members of our family.  The rest of the family shared in a bit of the chaos.

Fortunately, we had a lousy economy.  That made it easy for us to focus on family priorities.

When I returned home last month, it felt like I had been living in a time warp.  Back in November, I was making projections.  Suddenly, it was February, and I was evaluating results.


With just a few calls and a quick e-letter, I can already tell you we’ve got a lot going on.

Clearly, I have a bunch of homework ahead of me.  I’ll pass along what I learn as fast as I dig it up.

Check the regular blog sites for updates on your main interests:

Extended Menu

Best summary reports are in the e-letter:

Free E-Letter

Thanks to everyone for your kind support.

It’s great to be back!