More Signs

By Ted Dieck | Candidate Advisory - Pick | Oct 13, 2010

Whatcha see, and whatcha don’t see. Two more ways to tell employment is setting up for a recovery.

While I was driving around southwest Ohio, a series of appointments took me through some industrial parks.

Much to my surprise, I saw a number of signs along the street announcing things like, “MACHINISTS – Now Hiring.”

I sort of filed it away in my head, wishing I had time to stop in and see what these companies were really paying.

Is It Real?

Actually, in one quirky moment, I wanted to go in and ask if they were aware someone had put a sign out by the road, suggesting they were hiring machinists.

After all, it might have been an evil trick.

I also shook off the idea that maybe they were confused about the meaning of the word “machinist.”

I finally accepted the idea that we might have just the hint of an indication that manufacturing might try a comeback.

Back on the phone, I had to wait in line to talk to a friend of mine in Tennessee. Quite amazingly, he was busy interviewing machinists. He had booked four interviews and hired two candidates.

OK, I’m beginning to notice a pattern.

We’ll see…

No Sign’s A Good Sign

In the meantime, I got another call about signs. Carla in Texas asked me to look around a little bit and see if I noticed anything strange about campaign signs this year.

I was a little slow figuring that one out, so she explained, “There aren’t any.”

I told her I had been driving all over John Boehner’s backyard, and there were tons of signs.

“In vacant lots?”


“But not in front of people’s houses.”

“Wow, you’re right.”

Carla said that in her neighborhood, the local races had plenty of support, with signs posted out in front of people’s homes and businesses.

But the Senate and Congressional races were nearly invisible.

As I called around the country, I started asking people if they were seeing campaign signs in their area. Carla was absolutely right.

In an election of historic significance, the public was staying very, very private.

My guess… it’s one more indication that serious change is in the wind. And another sign that jobs may be coming back.